Ritual Cafe Blenheim


Hours: Monday-Friday : 7 am - 4 pm Sat: 7 am - 3 pm Sun: Closed

Phone: 03-578 6939

Cafe in Blenheim, NZ, featuring cuisine suited for a large variety of dietary requirements - eg: vegan, vegetarian, gluten free. Ritual also provides outstanding coffee!!


Urban hippy food(if this descriptor even exists), smoking good coffee, retro junk decor, brilliant if under-appreciated Barbie Doll art, really really good looking Baristas, music you and your grandma, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and offspring could conceivably listen to and it is better than the sounds in your average everyday elevator. Vegan, vegetarian, gluten free options offered daily. Cooked breakfast and lunch - with different fresh salads made regularly. Ritual Coffee was founded in 2009 by the young entrepreneur Matthew Hellriegel with a small roaster based at his home in the beautiful Marlborough Sounds, and so it began. A few years on and Ritual Café was created. Dave & Del Lowther took over the reins of the Café and Roastery in 2015 and have continued to forge ahead. Dave is at the forefront of the roasting continuing to produce the Fair Trade organic Ritual Blend as the love of the Ritual product has brought them to the current position: a growing business with an amazing team of baristas focused on service and creating the best coffee, together with sending Ritual Coffee all around New Zealand.

10 Maxwell Rd Blenheim, New Zealand


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